Vote on Thursday 2nd May 2013 for the Independents
Updated as we listen to your comments on what we have proposed over the last five years with your current ideas that will be added again to those we have listened to over many years.
Warminster Town Council
Worthwhile and meaningful support to aid a community purchase of the Town Hall.
If a substantial sum needs to be spent by the council to achieve this a local referendum must by law back the plan.
This again gives you a real say about civic pride in our town.
Look for more community orientated way of running the Civic Centre. Or accept that it has to go.
Bring in more transparent accounting to ensure the public knows the truth about the building.
No apologies for 'Tirana Hall' parish poll result name.
A local approach to dog fouling and litter which continues to be an issue in the town.
Wiltshire Council has only two dog wardens for the whole county – not enough.
Warminster Town Council should employ a part-time dog/litter warden. (Also Paul's county council pledge).
Review the way the town centre traffic car parking is currently mismanaged.
Launch a meaningful joint committee with other county market towns to enter into serious negotiations with Wiltshire Council on this issue.
Greater scrutiny of planning applications and the planning process in general.
The town council was wrong to concede the need for 1,700 additional homes missing out on an adequate accompanying employment land and infrastructure.
It is quite clear that the town councillors do not fully understand the planning system. Remember them defending concentrating their efforts on widening the town centre pavements.
Defend Warminster’s interests during negotiations with Wiltshire Council over plans for the future town 'Campus' which could see the loss of the library and parking
We need to be ahead of the game as our town is in the second phase (see Corsham) and propose a working group now to begin proper public consultation about these plans.
All full council meeting must be preceded by a proper public question time where residents can ask questions about any matters of interest to Warminster not just matters on the agenda.
All committees will allow up to three members of the public who register their intention to speak ten minutes before the start of the meeting on each and every item on the agenda.
The town council has a poor reputation and is regarded as secretive by many people.
Investigate ways of boosting civic pride in the town without incurring huge costs.
The town park is something that the town has always been right to be proud of.
But should this be there or restored to a town centre position at a small money cost but a big boost in other ways?
Our young people need much more support, opportunity and encouragement. We believe there should be a bigger role for them inside the town council chamber and that a councillor should be given responsibility for ensuring the best possible deal for them.
The Warminster Community Garden Network campaign is already underway championed by Nick Dombkowski.
We will ensure that all those who are speaking to us about joining the Transition Network initiative which starts as small-scale local responses to the challenges of major issues will have an enthusiastic response from the town council.
*Ensure the town council has an agreed elected member when comments are asked for from the press.
The town clerk is not the appropriate person to comment and the Mayor or their deputy or our proposed portfolio holders should be available to respond to enquiries.
Four supporters of five years of campaigning are standing for Warminster council elections. Election imprint: Promoted and published by Paul Macdonald, 144 Boreham Field, Warminster, Wiltshire, BA12 9EF